Responsible Monthly Budgeting
Is this you, you have you reached the end of another month with your finances in a mess because you have been irresponsible with your money management and spending this month. You have no responsible monthly budget.
Had you been responsible you know you would have had savings at the end of the month all it would have taken is a little time to sit down and work out a sensible budget?
In theory, it sounds simple, but in practice, it is much harder, online adverts, keeping up with the Jones’s, takeaways easily tempt you, and then the I want it now mentality instead of waiting and saving till you can afford to buy it.
There is nothing to stop you spending what you want when you want you don’t have to answer to anyone you are an adult no one will tell you what to do anymore. Plus no one cares how you spend your wages. You have the mentality I earn money, and I will spend the money how I like.
But we both know that you would not be reading this website if you did not need to be held accountable for your reckless money management.
I can help you bring your finances under control, I can help you plan a responsible budget, and most importantly I can hold you accountable for everything you spend and if you don’t stick to the agreed budget.
I can make you wish you had.
You will be surprised at how quick you can get your finances back on track with Structure, Focus and Accountability.
You will soon learn that the new pair of shoes you could not afford were not worth the spanking you received.
Contact me today for more information on how I can help.